It is never too late to start a budget, and when you do it will be of financial benefit to you and your family. Start monitoring your expenses with our free budget planner.
Cornish Wealth Management have created an excellent budget planner which is available to you for free. Please download it here. It is very self explanatory and done in excel so you just need to enter the figures and the calculations take care of themselves. Specifically, there is a list of usual household expenses, and when one applies to you, enter the relevant figure and the time period.
I know no one likes budgeting, but a well put together Budget Planner serves two purposes. First it lets you know the true state of your income and expenses and whether you are living within your means. Secondly it provides a very interesting insight into your spending habits and whether you should consider controlling any specific areas.
You can read more on budgeting in a previous post, The Importance of Budgeting. If done well, it can have a profound impact on your financial future and is the cornerstone to financial planning.
We are offering an excel spreadsheet as we think it is an ideal format to make an excellent budget planner. However there are many alternatives. A hard copy notebook works, as too does a mobile app. Even an A4 piece of paper works. Budgeting is a personal process, go with whatever is best for you now and just make a start.
If you have come across this blog page because you are in financial stress, please read this article on debt management. It provides some guidance and also contact details of people who can help you.
Good luck with your budgeting efforts 🙂